Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Toronto's Thomsons top most-wealthy Canadian list, again

Merella Fernandez says Canadian Business magazine put out its annual list of the country's wealthiest people, and says the Thomson family, Galen Weston, and the Irving family are in the top three spots.

October 2011.- Canada's wealthy elite remain far from breadline, but a new report suggests they aren't getting richer either.

Some of the nation's richest residents have seen their fortunes dwindle this past year, according to Canadian Business.

While no one on the magazine's annual "Rich 100" list is headed for poverty, many of Canada's most prosperous families have seen their net worth shrink.

Take Toronto's affluent Thomson clan, for instance.

Though they still top the wealthy-100 list, the Thomsons have watched their fortune shrink by about 8.7 per cent or $2 billion from 2010.

Despite the diminishing funds, the Thomsons are still worth about $21.34 billion.

Supermarket mogul Galen Weston, who is No. 2 on the list, also saw his wallet get a little lighter. Weston had an estimated worth of $8 billion, down 5.8 per cent from last year.

Times were also tough for the Rogers family, known around Canada for their telecommunications empire. They grabbed the list's No. 4 spot though their fortune was down 1.3 per cent at $5.94 billion.

Other big names on the top-100 list include:

The Irving family from Saint John, N.B.

They're in third place with a $7.8-billion fortune, up 4.5 per cent from 2010.

Entrepreneur Jim Pattison from Vancouver, B.C.

He's in fifth place with $5.73 billion, up 3.7 per cent.

The Saputo family from Montreal, Que.

Their $4.34-billion fortune is up an impressive 23.5 per cent since last year.

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