Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pacific Alliance: A Regional View from Four Ambassadors

Pacific Alliance: A Regional View from Four Ambassadors
The Pacific Alliance, or Alianza del Pacifico, was launched in July of 2012 to facilitate the free movement of goods, services, capital and people, and strengthen trade and investment ties with Asia. The four founding members – Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico – are working to remove those internal barriers first and then bring in other members to form one of the world’s largest trading blocs. Costa Rica has received approval to become a full member. Canada holds observer status.
The Canadian Council of the Americas is delighted to host ambassadors to Canada from the Pacific Alliance’s four founding members, Ambassadors Roberto Ibarra (Chile), José Antonio Bellina (Peru), Nicolás LLoreda-Ricaurte (Colombia), and Francisco Suárez (Mexico), to share their analysis and insights on the economic union, the advantages and the challenges of integrating these four and other economies. We hope you can be with us for what promises to be an exciting and timely discussion.
Our panel will be moderated by CCA President Marina Jimenez.
Grateful acknowledgment of our sponsors:
Event Sponsors
September 30, 2013
Fasken Martineau
333 Bay Street, Ste 2400
(Bay Adelaide Centre)
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Register at:
Members: $35
Non-members: $70
Lunch will be served.

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