Monday, November 28, 2011

INTERNATIONAL MINING: Ecuador's Correa says mining contracts "within days"

Ecuador's Correa says mining contracts "within days"

Thu, Nov 24 16:02 PM EST

* Two miners set to invest $3 bln in copper, gold projects in Ecuador

* Miners have agreed to gov't demands- top mining official

QUITO, Nov 24 - Ecuador's President Rafael

Correa said on Thursday his government is "within days" of

signing contracts with mining companies set to develop large

copper and gold projects in the mineral-rich Andean nation.

Deputy Mining Minister Federico Auquilla told Reuters

earlier this week that Canadian-listed Kinross Gold Corp and Ecuacorriente would soon sign contracts

for two projects worth $3 billion in total.

The negotiations have been long and difficult, in part

because the government was asking companies to pay an 8

percent royalty share, whereas miners were offering 6


"We're negotiating the contracts very hard ... They will

be signed in the next few days," said leftist leader Correa,

who has also renegotiated part of Ecuador's foreign debt and

oil exploration contracts with foreign companies.

The government is demanding advance payments on royalties

before the miners start extracting, the president added in

comments on local radio.

The extra income from advance royalty payments would be

used for social projects, including schools and roads, Correa

said. In power since 2007, he has made resource nationalism a

centerpiece of his policies and may run for another term in an

election due in January 2013.

Kinross plans to develop Ecuador's largest gold project,

Fruta del Norte, while Ecuacorriente - an affiliate of

Canada's Corriente Resources - will work on the Mirador copper



Correa did not say how much royalty the miners would be

paying, but mining sources familiar with the negotiations say

the final percentage will likely be closer to the figure

demanded by the government.

"Mining companies have agreed to the demands of the

Ecuadorean state and we're completely satisfied," said

Auquilla, the government's top mining official, during the

same radio show.

Correa has had a tumultuous relationship with foreign

investors throughout his rule, revising oil contracts to

better favor the government and defaulting on the nation's


He is striving to diversify the Ecuadorean economy from

crude exports, and he has taken a softer approach to investors

planning to develop mines than the oil companies with large

investments in the OPEC member country.

Ecuador has a nascent mining industry. Some larger

projects were initially delayed as Correa's government

tightened regulations for the sector.

Ecuador is also negotiating contracts with International

Minerals over its Rio Blanco gold-silver project,

with Ecuacorriente over its Panantza-San Carlos copper deposit

and with IAMGold , which plans to develop the

Quimsacocha gold-copper-silver mine.

High oil prices have allowed Correa to increase social

spending this year, which has fueled economic growth and

boosted his popularity among the majority poor.

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